Send a message to your U.S. Representative on social media, asking them to co-sponsor a resolution expressing support for Coptic Christians and religious liberty in Egypt! Try out this new advocacy tool. It's a simple, fast, and effective way to advocate for persecuted Copts.
On January 16, 2019, Rep. French Hill (R-AR) introduced a resolution,H. RES. 49, titled Expressing Support for Coptic Christians and Religious Liberty in Egypt. This is an updated version of the resolution he introduced in the last session of Congress (H. RES. 673), which enjoyed strong bi-partisan support with a total of 54 cosponsors. We need to your help to regain momentum in support of Copts who are suffering under increased systematic and systemic discrimination by the Egyptian government and society. Join us today by asking your U.S. Rep. to cosponsor this resolution! Please take action today and share the campaign with your family and friends.
Please take just a moment to send a message to your U.S. Representative asking them to co-sponsor a resolution, H. RES. 673, for Coptic protection and equality!
We need your help to make this resolution a priority with U.S. legislators. Gaining more cosponsors will give the resolution a better chance of passing through committee and being scheduled for a full floor vote in the US House of Representatives. Passage of this resolution passed by the US House of Representatives would indicate Congresses’ support of Coptic Christians and the need for the Egyptian government to stop discriminating against them.
Taking action is very simple with our advocacy software.
You can send a direct Tweet or Facebook message to your U.S. Legislator, or send them an email. Our software utilizes your address to determine your Congressional district and will automatically send your messages to your U.S. Representative.
There are no officials for you to contact on Twitter.
Because this campaign is in support of a resolution introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, only U.S. residents are able to send messages to their legislators in support of it.
You can still learn more about Coptic issues on our website, and participate in international advocacy campaigns. Register for our weekly newsletter to stay up to date.
Thanks for supporting Coptic equality!
Coptic Solidarity